(a poem to soothe the soul)

To be in the grace space
is to allow for the flow
and language of your soul
which always brings the medicine
of calm and whole.

To be in the grace space
is to hear the language of the trees,
feel the shamanic muse of the seas,
listen to the stars
and take nature’s lead.

To be in the grace space
means we drop from
our heads to our hearts.
Remember each day
is a clean slate start.
Take pain and transmute it to art.

To be in the grace space
is to find the sacred in the mundane,
find the gifts of every day
allow our hearts to pave the way–

Leading with love and following love’s weave
as we learn to be
a practitioner and administer
a contributor and distributor
a healer and revealer
a mender and a lender—

On the sacred path of peace.